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Here you’ll find my 3D portfolio containing some of my work, rendered scenes from my previous position, concepts and other projects. 

I completed this entire environment as part of a team and was responsible for creating the 3D buildings/models, scene setup and composition, UV-unwrapping, texture maps, lighting etc. 

Sunset Valley 


Software used: Autodesk 3ds Max, V-Ray & Adobe Photoshop.



The engine we used had limited lighting capability, therefore, I textured in all lighting and shadow details on a separate texture map. 

Underground scenes had to have lighting attentively considered due to already poor natural lighting. I created all assets and textures to have hard contrasting shadows textured onto them, increasing the dark atmosphere underground. 

Software used: Autodesk 3ds Max, Mudbox & Adobe Photoshop.

Software used: Autodesk 3ds Max, Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Unity Engine.

Various projects and concepts I had been working on prior to being fully employed as a 3d artist.

Underground Mine 


A side-scroller game in which the player explores a mysterious abandoned mine/cave while collecting artifacts. The point of this game was to be heavily puzzle-oriented. I always tend to have much bigger motives for creating games, whether it be deep storytelling or character development. 

Software used: Blender, Unity & Adobe Photoshop.



I'm a huge fun of science fiction, futuristic settings and fantasy. This city was intended to have an abundance of flying vehicles and highrise buildings. The player was to be a detective investigating a murder within the megalopolis. 

Software used: Autodesk 3ds Max, Blender, Unity & Adobe Photoshop.

Created Assets


I enjoy creating architectural buildings and structures and when designing these assets or scenes I try to stay as low poly while still keeping with the quality and general constraints of the specific project.

Software used: Autodesk 3ds Max, Blender, Unity & Adobe Photoshop.

Syncrude Above Mine


3D Sidescroller


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